Have you ever wondered why God choses to use you? Maybe you feel completely inadequate or overwhelmed to think the God of all creation would put His trust in you. I sometimes laugh praying, "Oh Lord, do You really know what You have gotten Yourself into?... ha ha ha... Your so funny." And then He gently speaks back saying, "Arise, shine my glory in on you! I have no doubts because I know who I have created you to be. I know where you will fall short so I know where I need to bring you more grace. In your weakness I am strong... so my child trust in Who I am." It's that easy, yet for us that hard. Trusting in God and what His word says. From generation to generation He has proven Himself faithful. He doesn't have to use us but He wants to because He loves us and created us for His glory... so why would we ever want to settle for less? Jesus in the fullness of His glory was hanging on a cross; beaten, naked, and fully surrendered to the one He called Abba Father. In that moment on that day He was crucified for my sin... I can't help but wonder right before He said "it is finished" the thought that went through His mind was... "my purpose here on Earth is done. It was hard and uncomfortable... not really what I expected... but Abba Father it is finished. You are so good... receive Your servant"... At the end of my life I pray that I would have the same peace in knowing what God created me to do.. and who God created me to be will be finished.
Here I am convicted... for myself and also for the Bride of Christ. Revelation 22:17 says,
"And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely."
God wants to use His bride to send out a heavenly invitation to everyone... saying COME! Are we corporately and individually there yet? The verse doesn't say the Spirit says Come... it says the Spirit AND the bride say Come. God could do this on His own but He is trusting us because He knows what He has created us to be. He created us to love... inside and outside of the church. To go to the people who we may have once called unclean or common... and call them clean and separated to a Holy God. Even though we may not come out and say it a lot of our actions say "I'm only going to love who I find lovable." Everyone God has created is thirsty and in need of Jesus Christ and His message of love. But instead of arising and speaking out the love and freedom God has for all we let fear, laziness, or judgement distract us from being what God has created us to be. In this we have held back not only in ourselves but what God has given freely to us to give to others. I love in Acts when Peter has the revelation that God wants to pour out His Spirit on ALL people and not just the Jews. The first time He preached the Gospel to Gentiles they were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. God's love is for everyone and He desires to pour out on everyone. Even thats so simple its so crazy! If we know this then it's time for us to step into what God has created us to be! A light in the darkness... testimony of freedom... and a vessel to proclaim liberty to the captives!!