gas tank filled...check
coffee and snacks in hand....check
ipod on shuffle...check
open highway ahead of you...check
amazing friends by your side...check
leaving all worries, responsibilities, work, school, & burdens behind...check, check, check, check check
destination: VACATION
I just got home from an amazing trip to Cannon Beach, OR with Jennae & April. It was beyond amazing! There's something about the Oregon Coast that I can't get enough of. The beautiful coastlines, the amazing houses, the perfect coffee shops...and well...I can't forget the cute boys. It's refreshing to get away for a few days to relax where the unfamiliar is so perfect. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Every time I go out of town I have to fight the thoughts on the second to last day that creep into my mind "you have to leave tomorrow..." Now don't get me wrong... I have a blessed life... but it feels so good to getaway. Coming home the song "Back to life, back to reality" was on my mind. I was less than thrilled to leave my vacation behind not knowing when I will get to return..."what would be the light at the end of my everyday life tunnel? What will I have to look forward to next?"
Well... I can't tell you when my next vacation will be. I'm sure another one will come around in due time... but the wisdom God gave me through my troubled thoughts was this..."I'm the same when your on vacation or not." That got me thinking about the different seasons we go through. We may be in the most amazing season of our lives, where we see God's blessings in our lives so clearly. Where love and joy is experienced on overflow. We stand on top of that beautiful mountain with a clear perspective of how amazing our lives are...all the valley's and weeds seem so small compared to the height of grace we are standing in...we are unstoppable; and it's all because of our God's love for us. Or we could be in that season that is less than exciting... days are long and boring. You're not in a valley but your definitely not able to see things from on top of that mountain you have visited before. But instead your just waiting for it to come again. The waiting feels like eternity...and it's often hard to remember what that pure bliss feels like. All you hold onto are God's promises. They seem so far away but you keep moving forward one day at a time. Well God is still the same. His love for you has not changed. And then there is the worst season of all...the valley of the shadow of death. Where sin and fear seem closer to you than God. It feels like He is only on top of the mountain and it is impossible for you to get there. David(in the Bible) had such an amazing understanding of God. He knew God was with Him and He didn't allow the circumstance tell Him differently. My prayer for whatever season I am in is that I will know God the way David did. His God is the same God as crazy to think about... I leave you with Psalm 23 it's the reality that I want to stay in...vacation or not.
"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.Your rod and your staff. protect and comfort me.You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me, all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever."